Suggestions to Imrpove

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Suggestions to Imrpove

Post by silverline »

Hey guys,

I came across with this web site while googling an e-book. I was very happy to see such a platform. And as I know, this is the first and only forum corresponds "Petroleum and Geology Engineers". And, especially it would be very useful for fresh graduates and new employers. But, I see people here only coming to this web site for books, software. That is nice to share electronic staff. but what about sharing our knowledges and experiences. i I think we need it more. here are some suggestions to improve this platform.

- membership should be encouraged. for example, for those who are not members couldn't read the forum.

- more people can be informed about this site by sending emails to discussion groups. (for ex. yahoo groups)

- At least one moderator could be assigned for each section (ex. reservoir, drilling, production). This I believe improves the forum up-to-dateness. ( links in some topics are not working for example). I would be grateful for being a moderator in the reservoir section. (since this is my current interest, and working as reservoir engineer).

- Q/A section could be opened at each topic for which we discuss our experiences/knowledges.

- Job openings section could be opened for those want to post a job.

- News section could be opened to discuss the current petroleum news.

For the now, those came to my mind. I believe you would have more suggestions.

Again thanks to Fanarco for providing such a good service for us.


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Post by FANARCO »

You are good man
All of these suggestions in my mind
Lets talk on messenger for more details pls

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Good Suggestions from Silver Line

Post by praveen.petroeng »

First Lemme Congratulate Mr. Fanarco for opening such site for all of us. I have seen many movie forum, but this forum is one of its kind. I was searching for some kind of assistance for my interview and found this.

Here are two suggestions from my side:

Please see if there is possibility of a chat section, this will help in more interaction of each member. By doing so we can also discuss many petroleum doubts. As most of us are new to the industry(fresh graduates) we need lots of advice and suggestions on various topics. Opening chat section will not only increase the personal interaction, but will also create friendly environment, likeliness towards site and other members.

We can also have a section for New Job Opening so that people know various requirement and job trends. If a members company is looking for a opening position. We can share here and every1 can apply to it.

Best Regards,

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Post by Brainmolester »

Hey Dudes, I rate this forum as the number ONE on the web!!! I agree with silverline's suggestions all the way and we should defenitely add up a section about Job openings and Petroleum news...... that will make this forum so popular soooo fast by everyone who googles for those terms!!!!
PS: No one who is not a member should be allowed to read posts! I think this a the first thing to implement!
Keep it going Guys!!! YOU ROCK!
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Post by geeker »

I agree with all of you. This forum can be more than just a place to exchange ebooks and softwares (let's hope the companies are not cracking up on this :) ). As a new engineer, I would very much like to get advice from the seniors on career development and stuff and learn from their experiences.

Btw, Fanarco...I have to applaud you on the growing popularity of this site. I'm trying to implement something similar at my company. Hopefully it'll take off and be as successful.
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Post by muchiniku »

Dear Fanarco, it seems like all PE (petroleum engineer) around the world admire you included me. When first time I start browsing, you are the one that i click first,to see the update of the materials posted. Bravo Fanarco ! Sorry no suggestion at this time.
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Post by FANARCO »

thank you all for your profitable suggestions
i really appreciate your efforts
once i will be clear and using my both hands, you will find a new services like email , chatftp ....... and other
we are now more than 1200 members. we have a plan to raise up to 5000 members at the end of this year

thank you all

by the way, the news section is opened for all members and can post any news
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Post by asadiqbal »

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Post by sebasmagri »

Hi Friends! Hi think that the line of 5000 members will be easy... :D

With the help of everybody it will be better, so if we are a family, then everybody have tu put an effort!

Maybe something as an Style Guide for posting or a little set of rules to do it could help us to improve the effectivity of the forum...

I would like to see improved the File Storage Service, but it could be neccesary to have a server to host the files... so maybe with the collaboration of all members we'll not need to use rapidshare or other similar services...
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Post by praveen.petroeng »

RS share is always very good option to upload most of the stuff. Instead of using FANORCO server to upload files, the same space can be used for alternate purposes like email service or more sections for detailed petroleum and its related fields.
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Post by praveen.petroeng »

we can also have a separate section for sharing petroleum related video's!!!
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Post by FANARCO »

We are now building an uploading center similar to rapidshare but better
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Post by demirba »

Also, we can share our personal computer programmes, I think.
For example, I'll write a package of programmes about Well Control (based on the book of Hasan Akman). And will provide you as soon as possible.
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Post by mazouz777 »

Dear Fanarco thanks for all the efforts that you provided, and I share all the opinions proposed by the members, and I would like to add a proposition concerning a resume or guide for all the ebooks and software shared here, this can simplify things for all members who look for specified information and even in order to avoid repetition of same document and saving time and space in the upload center.
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Post by reza »

everybody has told whats in my mind.... GREAT JOB FANARCO!!!!
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