How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aquifer

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How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aquifer

Post by FANARCO »

Understanding the fluid movement in the reservoir is extremely important for reservoir management.
Using the tracers is one of the most effective tools to do this because it has the following applications:

 Identification of offending injectors: by injecting different tracers at different injectors and see which one will be produced
 Directional flow trends
 Relative velocities of injected fluids: the relative velocities of these fluids can be measured from the individual tracer arrival time at offset producers
 Volumetric sweep: The volume of fluid injected at an injection well until breakthrough of the traced fluid at an offset producer is a measure of the volumetric sweep efficiency between that pair of wells.
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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »

Having all those valuable data will help us to construct a representative simulation model. This model will be used for the prediction stage with high confidence. ECLIPSE can handle all those applications in addition to:

  • * Labelling fluids from aquifer

    * Tracking fluids in a specific region (e.g. above the GOC)
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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »

In this thread we will use the Tracer option in ECLIPSE using the Petrel interface to track the injected water from each injector and see the effect of each injector on each producer. By doing that we can identify the injector well causing the breakthrough, and then we can stop or reduce the injection from that injector
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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »

Petrel Workflow

  1. 1- From the processes pane, open “Define simulation case”
    2- Under the Advanced tab select Editor

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »


4- Insert TRACER keyword in the PROPS section (to make it easy to distinguish the tracer, it was named by the injectors’ names)

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »


5- Insert TVDP keyword in the SOLUTION section

N.B., after inserting the keyword, a message will appear to enter the complete name which will be (TVDPF + Tracer Name)

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »

  1. 6- Repeat step 5 for any tracer defined before
    7- Insert the following keywords at the SUMMERY section

DO NOT forget to write the Tracer name at the end of each one

Field tracer production rate: FTPR

Field tracer production total: FTPT

Well tracer production rate: WTPR

Well tracer production total: WTPT

Field tracer injection rate: FTIR

Field tracer injection total: FTIT

Well tracer injection rate: WTIR

Well tracer injection total: WTIT

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »


  1. 9- Click ok and then run the model

    10- Use “Result charting and analysis” to see the results

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »


The results here indicate that the breakthrough in well P02 is mainly from the injector I01

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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by FANARCO »

In Summary:

Tracer for AQUIFER encroachment

The ECLIPSE Tracer Tracking option can be used to follow the movement of the water flowing into the reservoir from aquifers. This thread presented the procedure and example ECLIPSE models to define water tracers in grid cell, analytical, and numerical aquifers.

  1. 1. Tracers in grid cell aquifers

  1. a) Activate the Tracer option by defining the number of water tracers using TRACERS keyword in the RUNSPEC section.

    b) Select some cells below WOC, maybe at the edge of the reservoir, as an aquifer. Cell properties such as PORV, PERMX, etc. can be modified.

    c) Define names of the tracers and the phases that the tracers are associated with using TRACER keyword in the PROPS section.

    d) Set initial aquifer tracer concentration to 1 for aquifer cells and to 0 for other cells using TBLKF keyword plus tracer names in the SOLUTION section.

    e) Report the production of tracers using FTPR, FTPT, WTPR, WTPT keywords plus tracer names in the SUMMARY section.

    f). Use RPTRST BASIC mnemonic to request restart files. The concentration of aquifer tracer is automatically written to restart files for 3D visualization.

  1. 2. Tracers in the analytical aquifers

  1. a) The analytical aquifers can be defined with keywords AQUFT, AQUFETP, AQUANCON, etc.

    b) Activate the Tracer option by defining the number of water tracers using TRACERS keyword in the RUNSPEC section.

    c) Define names of the tracers and the phases that the tracers are associated with using TRACER keyword in the PROPS section.

    d) In the solution section, set initial aquifer tracer concentration to 0 in grid cells using TBLKF keyword plus tracer names. Set initial aquifer tracer concentration to 1 in the analytical aquifer using AQANTRC keyword.

    e) Report the production of tracers using FTPR, FTPT, WTPR, WTPT keywords plus tracer names in the SUMMARY section.

    f) Use RPTRST BASIC mnemonic to request restart files. The concentration of aquifer tracer is automatically written to restart files for 3D visualization.

  1. 3. Tracers in the numerical aquifers

  1. a) Designate some cells (usually below WOC, at the boundary) as an 1D numerical aquifer defined with keywords AQUNUM and AQUCON.

    b) Activate the Tracer option by defining the number of water tracers using TRACERS keyword in the RUNSPEC section.

    c) Define names of the tracers and the phases that the tracers are associated with using TRACER keyword in the PROPS section.

    d) In the solution section, set initial aquifer tracer concentration to 1 for the designated numerical aquifer cells and to 0 for the rest of the grid using TBLKF keyword plus tracer names.

    e) Report the production of tracers using FTPR, FTPT, WTPR, WTPT keywords plus tracer names in the SUMMARY section.

    f) Use RPTRST BASIC mnemonic to request restart files. The concentration of aquifer tracer is automatically written to restart files for 3D visualization.

Attached in the first post are example ECLIPSE data files:

  1. TRACER_AQ1.DATA = Define tracers in grid cell aquifers
    TRACER_AQ2.DATA = Define tracers in analytical aquifers
    TRACER_AQ3.DATA = Define tracers in numerical aquifers
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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by johnji »

Thank you!
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Re: How to use Tracer in Eclipse for Injected water and Aqui

Post by Bimskydiver »

I used your method to put the tracer into the injection, but I got 3 errors for exporting the case, it says:

- user keyword TRACER does not appear to be terminated correctly, Its data has been truncated at a line containing keyword

- user keyword WTRACER does not appear to be terminated correctly, Its data has been truncated at a line containing keyword

- A problem occured during simulation case export. Problem encountered while merging user keywords from the existing ECLIPSE deck. bla bla bla..

I wonder what went wrong...

when I put TRACERS into the runspec, it seems like it was showing a blank notepad, only word TRACERS lied at top, then I wrote the 0 3 0 0 'DIFF', is it supposed to be like that?
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