Article writing skill

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Article writing skill

Post by nabeelshykh »

Hello, newbie here, Well i am not a writer, as i dont know ABC of writting a article, Sad! well In petroleum industry, considering recent problems, what topic articles can be written, Lke i will reserach on it. but there must be a versitile topic as well as a big problem or big issue. That can be oil mafia or may be Petroleum Politics
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Bilal Amjad
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Re: Article writing skill

Post by Bilal Amjad »

Dear Nabeel,

Your enthusiasm is appreciable. I would suggest you to start from what's ongoing in the industry. Divide the updates into several categories and pick one of your choice. Then you have to see what region/country you have in perspective. It would be most probably your own country. Please see below some example

Categories can be

a) Tehnical/Industrial; New technologies, how efficient they are, how they can help boost energy requirements in your region/country.
b) Politics; Oil price fluctuation, reasons, forecast, how its going to effect globally and then your region.
c) Academia; Bridging gaps in technology advancements and academic curriculum or extra-curricular activities of the students.
d) R&D: Discussion on new research that could be initiated or ongoing, what are their objectives and what could be the outcomes.

Always make sure to include your opinion, how you see and think as it is the core of your article. Other information is almost public.


Bilal Amjad
Bilal Amjad
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Re: Article writing skill

Post by FANARCO »

Yes, As Bilal mentioned.

Just interact with online topics (politics, technical, academic....etc) as well as contribute more with your organization meetings (verbal skills enhancement).

Usually, this is a common problem or recently graduated people, so, dont worry.

You will be the BEST :) :) :) :) :)
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